Is for-profit experience valued in a nonprofit?

Today, I’m diving into a topic that often frustrates executives looking to move into nonprofit management: The value of for-profit experience in the world of nonprofits. At first glance, it might seem like these two sectors operate in entirely different realms – one driven by profit margins and the other by a passion for social change. However, as we explore further, you’ll find that the line between them isn’t always as clear-cut as it appears. We’ve all heard the saying, “Do what you love, and you’ll never work a day in your life.” But what happens when the thing you love – making a difference – meets the corporate world’s practicality and profit-oriented approach? Is there room for both passion and profit in the nonprofit sector?

First, let’s clear this up

Because you come from the for-profit world, it does not mean you don’t have passion for the mission! People are people, we all have values and beliefs no matter where we work.

Breaking Down the Stereotypes: NonProfit vs. For-Profit

There’s a common misconception that nonprofits are purely driven by passion, lacking business acumen, while for-profits are perceived as having a lack for social concerns. However, the distinction isn’t as black and white; it’s more about organizational priorities. Having experienced both realms, I recognize the origin of this stereotype. While the mission of nonprofits takes center stage, attracting like-minded individuals, not all may possess a strategic approach. Yet, many nonprofit boards comprise individuals with robust business expertise, who typically work in the for-profit realm, indicating their social consciousness. As the world evolves, the lines between these sectors are becoming indistinct, leading to a merging of the strengths of both domains. 

The Value of For-Profit experience in NonProfits

The nonprofit world is driven by fundraising. Thus, experience in fundraising is the single most important skill many NomGov (Nomination and Governance) committees are concerned with. While I understand this logic, I think it is flawed. It is flawed in the same way hiring a CEO based only on sales skills is flawed. Just like CEOs, EDs can certainly be great without sales/fundraising experience.

For-profit experience can bring new skills to a nonprofit:

1. Business Acumen – Those with for-profit experience often bring a strong sense of business acumen. They have the ability to understand and deal with various business situations in a way that leads to a good outcome. They have the skills that are invaluable in any organization, including nonprofits. 

2. Innovation and Creativity – For-profit environments foster innovation and creative problem – solving. Bringing this innovative spirit to the nonprofit sector can lead to new, groundbreaking solutions for the challenges faced by these organizations. 

3. Networking and Partnerships – Individuals with for-profit backgrounds often have extensive networks. Leveraging these connections can open doors to collaborations, funding opportunities, and partnerships, strengthening the nonprofit’s impact. 

4. Sustainability – Applying for-profit principles can help nonprofits become more self-sustainable. By diversifying funding streams and creating revenue-generating programs, nonprofits can reduce their dependence on grants and donations, ensuring long-term stability. 

Finding The Right Balance: Passion Meets Practicality

While for-profit experience brings a lot to the table, it’s still essential to strike a balance. Of course, nonprofits must maintain their core values, integrity and social mission but it’s not about sacrificing passion for profit; it’s about integrating the truly valuable skills. 

In a world where challenges are becoming increasingly complex, the integration of for-profit expertise in nonprofits represents a powerful force for positive change. By embracing diversity in experiences and perspectives, nonprofits can evolve, adapt, and maximize their impact on the communities they serve. 

So, is for-profit experience valued in a nonprofit? Absolutely. Passion is the driving force behind nonprofits, but practical skills acquired in the corporate world can amplify the impact of that passion. It’s not about prioritizing profits over purpose but about leveraging the best of both worlds. Remember, at the heart of both nonprofits and for-profits are people – individuals driven by a desire to make a difference. By fostering collaboration between these sectors, we can create a world where passion and profit work hand in hand, making our collective dreams of a better tomorrow a reality.

Keep dreaming, keep believing, and keep making the world a better place, one passionate step at a time!


10 Ways Nonprofits Can Utilize Team Members’ For-Profit Skills (

For-Profit vs. Nonprofit: 9 Key Differences |

Passion vs. Practicality: Balancing Dreams and Realities | by Startup Lab | Medium

Can nonprofit “partner” with for-profit? | Nonprofit Issues

Paul Bergman runs a business strategy and cybersecurity consulting company in San Diego. He writes on cybersecurity and board management for both corporate and nonprofit boards.

Paul Bergman
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