Make Your Board Stronger with Independent Board Members

The Challenges of Small Company Boards with No Independent Directors

Small company boards often consist of founders, family members, and close associates of the business. While this can create a close-knit and cohesive board, it can also lead to conflicts of interest and a lack of objective decision-making. Such close boards can become leaders in name only, often delegating true leadership to a single individual due to complacency or strong-arm tactics.  Independent board members offer a counterbalance to small company boards struggling to provide effective corporate governance, which can impact the long-term success of the business.

One of the main challenges of small company boards with no independent directors is a lack of diverse perspectives. Without input from individuals outside the company, the board may be limited in its ability to identify potential risks, explore new opportunities, and make informed decisions. This can lead to groupthink, where the board makes decisions based on consensus rather than independent analysis.

Another challenge of small company boards with no independent directors is the potential for conflicts of interest. Board members with close ties to the business may prioritize personal interests over the interests of the company, which can impact decision-making and create ethical concerns. Without independent directors, there may be no one on the board to challenge these conflicts and provide an objective perspective.

Corporate boards need benefit from independent board members.
Corporate Boards need an outside point of view

What is an Independent Board Members?

Independent board members are individuals who are not affiliated with the business and do not have a vested interest in its success. They bring an objective and unbiased perspective to the board, providing valuable insights and challenging assumptions. Independent directors are typically chosen for their expertise and experience in a specific industry or functional area, and they are expected to provide guidance and oversight to the board.

Independent board members are appointed to serve the interests of shareholders and other stakeholders, rather than the interests of the company’s management or board members. They are responsible for monitoring the performance of the business, providing guidance on strategy, and ensuring that the company adheres to ethical and legal standards.

The Value of an Independent Voice on the Board

The value of independent board members lies in their ability to provide an objective voice on the board. They bring a fresh perspective and diverse expertise to the table, which can help the board identify potential risks and opportunities. Independent directors can also challenge assumptions and biases, helping the board make more informed decisions.

Another key value of an independent board member is their ability to provide oversight and accountability. They are responsible for ensuring that the company operates ethically and in compliance with legal and regulatory standards. Independent directors can also provide guidance on key governance issues, such as executive compensation and risk management.

Independent board members can also play an important role in building stakeholder trust. Shareholders and other stakeholders may feel more confident in the company’s management and operations if they see that the board includes independent directors. This can lead to improved shareholder value and a stronger reputation for the company.

The Best Way to Find Independent Board Members

Finding the right independent board members can be a challenge for small companies. However, there are several strategies that can be used to identify and recruit qualified candidates:

  • Utilize professional networks: Board members may have professional contacts who could be potential independent directors. Tap into these networks to find qualified candidates. There are numerous associations of trained and vetted board members such as the Private Directors Association which are great sources of executive talent. If you are looking for cyber qualified board members, check out Digital Directors Network.
  • Use executive search firms: Executive search firms specialize in finding qualified candidates for executive and board positions. They can help identify and recruit independent directors with the right expertise and experience.
  • Leverage industry associations: Industry associations can be a good source of potential independent directors. Attend industry events and conferences to network with potential candidates.
  • Conduct a thorough search: Take the time to conduct a thorough search for independent directors. This may involve reviewing resumes, conducting interviews, and conducting background checks.


Small company boards without independent directors may struggle to provide effective governance with only executive directors. Independent board members play a critical role in ensuring effective corporate governance by providing an objective perspective, diverse expertise, and oversight and accountability. While the process of identifying and recruiting independent directors may take time and effort, the value they bring to the board and the company is well worth it.

Paul Bergman writes on cybersecurity and board management for both corporate and nonprofit boards.

Paul Bergman
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