Hello world!

I’m taking a page from a few respected friends that are outside board members for a few private companies. One thing they do well is self-promotion. While I originally rejected that idea as too self-absorbed, I’ve since realized that I AM my product and if you don’t market your product, no one will know it exists. So why shouldn’t I create a highlight reel?

I realize that with the power of social media, web pages and blog sites may be a bit dated. However, fighting for space on a person’s feed is a challenge and often out of my control. I’ve worked on posts that never really saw the light of day on LinkedIn and were immediately pushed in obscurity by the AI systems that run the whole thing.

That’s not to say I’m blind to the power of social media! Far from it. As a hacker at heart, I’ll be working on ways to combine the two efforts and get posts here to be referenced on social media.

I’ll also have at least a little more control of the site itself. I’m looking forward to tinkering with data driven widgets on this platform to make it do cool things. Here’s to having some fun with this!



Paul Bergman
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